Out of The Ashes

After a battery fire destroyed its MRF in York, Pennsylvania, Penn Waste pulled off a rebuild in just under a year and is spreading the message of fire prevention and safety. Most recyclers agree that fire prevention and safety are among the biggest issues facing the...

A More Powerful Combination

Automate your MRF’s QC line by pairing AI with air jets for a high-volume sorting solution.  Recently, artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics have been getting a lot of attention. AI sensors combined with robotic arms were introduced to material recovery...

Keys to Building a Successful MRF: Before, During, After

When building a MRF, the goal is to end up with a facility that operates efficiently, requires minimal repairs and downtime, and flexibility to accommodate future equipment upgrades and modifications. Actively seeking out and incorporating practices from experts who focus on design, building, and managing MRFs will elevate the final product of your new, successful facility.

Building A Modern MRF

The modern MRF has no presort, a reduced headcount, high-volume screening and automated sorting of commodities; Reduced OpEx with increased recovery and purity.   Building a modern MRF involves embracing innovative design principles, leveraging advanced...

The Role of Mechanical Screening in the MRF of the Future

The recycling stream is changing and Material Recovery Facility (MRFs) need to change along with it.   As packaging changes and diversifies, the ability of traditional mechanical screens to produce finished end-products in a MRF is diminished, resulting in more...

Dynamic Pairings

Sorting success lies in pairing the right sensor technologies with the right method of extraction. At MSS Inc., we know the challenges presented by sorting recyclables at material recovery facilities (MRFs) can be approached in many ways. For 48 years, we have...